Nursery Section



Mrs. Eunice Umesi
Head, Nursery Section



Welcome to Hopespring Foundation School Nursery Section! Every day, each child is met with age appropriate challenges, adventures, passionate and fun loving teachers. Here, every child is encouraged to blossom at his or her own pace into moral, happy and productive individuals.

We take delight in witnessing the physical, emotional and social growth of each child. In the Nursery Section, children develop a sense of self and self-confidence, share responsibility and make lifelong friendships. We have well experienced teachers, who are passionate and willing to try out new things in order to recognize and nurture each child’s gifts, helping them to set goals and experience the magic of learning. Our goal is to build a partnership with our families to become part of a community filled with laughter, love and learning.

We understand the importance of Nursery school as the foundation of every child’s formal education – a time when children form positive impression of school and begin to recognize the joy of learning. We help our children to establish the roots for future success through a comprehensive curriculum that is balanced with opportunities for exploration, play and celebration of cultural diversity, thereby, developing a total child.

We provide a stimulating and safe environment that fosters growth of a child. We provide a programme that gives the children an opportunity to develop the skills, self-reliance and attitudes they will need to maximize their creative potential and learn to navigate the world around them. The subjects we teach are inter-connected and allows the children explore concepts in English Language Art, Mathematics, Science, Circle Time, Thinking Skills, and Rhyme/Story Time. Enrichment classes are Fine Art, Cookery, Music, Dance, Swimming, Field Trips and Karate.

We invite parents with children from ages 3 – 6 to take advantage of the many opportunities to actively engage in their child’s school experience.

We encourage you to come and experience the magic of learning and the joy of growing up that our children experience daily.

Thanks for your interest in our creative and lovely school.


Hopespring Foundation School Nursery section has three classes with two arms each – Sparrow (Nursery 1); Penguin (Nursery 2); Swan (Nursery 3). These classes were named after birds because the age characteristics of the children mimics that of birds. Our class comprises of 23-30 children with 4 adults. Making a ratio of at least 7-8 children per adult. The Nursery goals are to foster each child’s cognitive, emotional, physical and social development; to nurture each child’s learning style.

Character development is part of our curriculum. This helps the child develop his self-identity, self-reliance and social skills by first learning about their classmates and families, and later community helpers. The children also take part in age appropriate community service activities to encourage a regular practice of giving back and respect.

Nursery activities include an assembly each week, daily playground time, celebrations like – Cultural day, Thanks giving, Easter egg-hunt, Valentine, Field Trips, and outdoor learning activities.

Subjects we do are as follows;

  • English Language Art
  • Mathematics
  • Thinking Skills
  • Circle Time
  • Rhymes
  • Reading
  • Music
  • Sports
  • Karate
  • Dance
  • Swimming
  • Cookery

All these are taught through the use of I. P board, software, incorporating the different learning styles. (Eight Intelligence)

Circle Time

Starting from our Sparrow through Swan class the children are exposed to the same concept but at different levels. By the end of your child’s stay at the Nursery section, he/she would have discussed the following topics as part of a themed curriculum in the Nursery section.

  • Marvelous Me – Myself, My family, My country/culture, My environment( Places around me).
  • Supermarket
  • People and work - “What I want to be when I grow up”
  • Transportation
  • Construction sites – Tools and machines.
  • Seasons/Weather
  • Animal kingdom – wild, domestic, birds, ocean life
  • Insects and Spider – life cycle of an insect
  • Garden - life cycle of a plant
  • Life cycle of a frog
  • Food and diet

In Mathematics – they would have mastered numbers up to 1000, know number words up to two hundred, tell time, skip count numbers in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s; understand the concept of multiplication and division, solve simple and complex addition and subtraction; solve some sums by regrouping, identify and spell shapes up to 14.

In English Language Art, they would have mastered the following concepts: identify, read and write the letters of the alphabet (upper and lower case), say the single sounds, identify initial, middle and end sound; read and spell words with six letters, read level 2 books scholastically, identify diagraphs, homophones, compound words, noun, verbs, Antonyms and synonyms. They will be able to form simple sentences.

In Science/Discovery class, through observation, exploration and experimentation the children will learn the following concepts: the five senses, water cycle, life cycle of a frog; life cycle of a butterfly; tools and machines, parts of a plant, healthy and unhealthy food, float and sink; understand different textures and soil types.

Hopespring Foundation School was established in April, 2005 having ‘Creche (dove) and ‘Pre-school” (Canary & Ladybird) with just 6 pupils. We did not open to all classes at inception but grew with our pioneer pupils till we got to Primary five in 2012/2013 session. The school produced its 1st set of graduates to secondary school in July, 2013. We have over 400 pupils presently enrolled; with 84 staff strength.


ADDRESS:      2, Ngara Igo Street Off NTA Road, Mgbuoba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. PHONE: +234 814 0062 788, +234 803 761 0200 EMAIL: SITE: