Our Purpose

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The purpose of HFS, is to provide each child that passes through its gates, a conducive, comfortable and safe learning environment. Not only does HFS strive to do so; it sees in each child, an intelligent being with an elastic mind, waiting to sponge up knowledge. In consideration of this, HFS is careful to provide the best education possible, without losing the necessary ingredient of our heritage. The result is that we have come up with a curriculum that takes from the best world educational practices, blended with an equal dose of the Nigerian curriculum. We do not want our pupils to forget their cultural heritage.

We recognize that education is incomplete without the acquisition of good morals. HFS has positioned itself to impart upon its publics, a sound moral education through the precepts of the Character Counts programme. We look forward to a community of children and adults who through continuous moral guidance, will change the general perception of ‘If you can’t beat them, join them’. We want to teach our community the beauty of being unique. It is our hope that with the Character Counts programme, our community will realise that good character is the first evidence of good education.

HFS believes that every child is special, and should be given equal opportunity to learn. That is why we do not reject any child who comes to us, whether he be physically/psychologically impaired, a slow learner, or just ‘special’. For us, every child is special.

Mrs. Mary Musa
Proprietress, Hopespring Foundation School

Hopespring Foundation School was established in April, 2005 having ‘Creche (dove) and ‘Pre-school” (Canary & Ladybird) with just 6 pupils. We did not open to all classes at inception but grew with our pioneer pupils till we got to Primary five in 2012/2013 session. The school produced its 1st set of graduates to secondary school in July, 2013. We have over 400 pupils presently enrolled; with 84 staff strength.


ADDRESS:      2, Ngara Igo Street Off NTA Road, Mgbuoba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. PHONE: +234 814 0062 788, +234 803 761 0200 EMAIL: hopespringfoundationschool@yahoo.com SITE: www.hopespring-fs.com.com