Our Head Teacher

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We are happy to have been in existence for 13 years now, we are proud of our outstanding achievements. Hopespring Foundation School is growing in leaps and bounds each year. Through our diversified curriculum, we strive to fulfill our mission statement which is to provide relevant and functional education for today’s families and tomorrow’s futures. Thus we keep upgrading our facilities, the structures, the resource materials and the resource personnel, to ensure that HFS measures up to the global standard in all ramifications at all times. We are proud to say that we are ICT – compliant school. Knowing the importance of ICT skills in the 21st Century, we have gone digital in all aspects of learning. Our lesson notes are written and marked online, smart boards are used in all the classes, children do their class work and homework with their customized laptops. We continue to invest in both hardware and software to enable children work with modern technology from early stage.

The impact of this development on our children cannot be overemphasized; academically our children are soaring in all the subjects we offer. They have developed an amazing reading habit which is quite encouraging for future success.

Socially, we are confident of our children’s self esteem, the numerous activities and excursions within and outside the country have boosted their self confidence. This is evident in the leadership positions our ex-pupils occupy in their various secondary schools.

Morally, the Character Counts programme which is a hands on and practical approach to character education has been effective in inculcating the right characters in our children. Across board in the school community, everybody works with the mindset that their character should count all the times, which is the right Attitude to be translated into the larger society.

The extracurricular aspect of our education has helped us to inspire the pupil to discover their potentials. Our children are becoming more skillful in different sporting activities, we are glad that they have imbibed the spirit of sportsmanship and have a good understanding of the importance of healthy competitions.

As we celebrate our wonderful achievements over the years, we are hopeful that the years ahead hold a lot of good tidings in stock for us as we continue to nurture the future hope of our generation to spring forth.

Mrs. Ebele Achumie
Head Teacher, Hopespring Foundation School

Hopespring Foundation School was established in April, 2005 having ‘Creche (dove) and ‘Pre-school” (Canary & Ladybird) with just 6 pupils. We did not open to all classes at inception but grew with our pioneer pupils till we got to Primary five in 2012/2013 session. The school produced its 1st set of graduates to secondary school in July, 2013. We have over 400 pupils presently enrolled; with 84 staff strength.


ADDRESS:      2, Ngara Igo Street Off NTA Road, Mgbuoba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. PHONE: +234 814 0062 788, +234 803 761 0200 EMAIL: hopespringfoundationschool@yahoo.com SITE: www.hopespring-fs.com.com