Primary Section



Mrs. Udo Onyebuenyi
Head, Primary Section



Welcome to Hopespring Foundation School Primary School! Our section is known for her team spirit which does not go unnoticed by guest when they visit. Our children are encouraged to have a good relationship with their teachers and classmates.

Why are our children high achievers? Our open door policy attracts the children – Our teachers take a special interest in the performance of each child. We motivate them to believe in themselves and shoot for greatness.

Our curriculum is designed to meet the children’s needs for each age grade. While Independence is encouraged, teachers serve as a support system that gently nudge the students in the right direction. We encourage the students to home their social skills in public speaking.


The primary section comprises of six classes named after particular birds because of their peculiar characteristics to go with the expected qualities of the children in such classes. The children in this section are from age six to ten years/eleven years. However, the sixth class does not feature every year.

The first class comprises mainly six year olds. It is named after the bird EAGLE due to its strong and tireless qualities. It soars high and has a very sharp vision. We work towards making sure that each child in the EAGLE CLASS takes off with this strong, tireless and sharp foundation so that they can soar to heights of glory. The curriculum has been structured in such a way to make sure that this is achieved.

The second class is the FALCON class. Children here are mainly age 7 (seven). Falcons are visionary and tireless and so the children are groomed to rise above situations and aim at victory.

Pelican is the third class (Primary 3). Children here are mainly 8 (eight) years old. There is more maturity now and learning is taken in larger scales in such a fun and enjoyable way.

The Flamingo is the Primary Four (4) class. They are mainly 9 (nine) years old. The flamingos are very strong flyers, high achievers and yet gregarious.

The Hummingbirds are groomed to always seek out the good in life and learning in general while still retaining that energy. Children here are trained to seek for deeper learning and exhibit curiosity while researching and discovering.

The sixth class (Primary 6) Peregrine class, only features occasionally when the need arises. Most children f not all graduate in the Hummingbird class.

We offer quite a number of subjects in this section: English language Art, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Food and Nutrition, Music, Computer Studies, French, Fine Arts and Crafts. Other subjects include Dance, Karate, Swimming, Creative Writing, Chess, Handwriting and Cookery.

The subjects are interwoven as each subject is reinforcement for the other because we run a themed curriculum where a topic runs across all subjects. No subject is regarded as less important than the other. Each topic is reinforced in the other subject. This makes learning easier and more real.

The subject English Language Art is divided into sections: Grammar, Comprehension Phonics, Elocution and Reading, Creative Writing, Poetry and Spelling.

Phonics: Here the sounds are reinforced and children are grounded in spellings and sounds ranging from single sounds to vowels and consonant pairs with the supportive storybooks, comprehension passages and videos to reinforce.

Elocution: Did you know that “what you say is as important as how you say it?” Children are taught the art of speaking well and in addition enhance the art of public speaking.

Reading: We have the necessary gadgets, CDs, players, games, workbooks and readers. All come in one package that boosts our children’s reading skills and speaking well. Spelling drills are also regular every week.

Our lessons are not limited to classroom environment. There are regular field trips which allow a child to see and experience the real life situations of what has been taught in class.

Competitions – Competitions are organized for the classes in this section. Children who qualify in their various classes feature in the grand finale of the competition. In this area we have: French competition, Science exhibition and competition, Creative writing competition (Children engage in story writing and published by the school for the competition), Reading competition, Math competition and Spelling Bee Competition.

In planning and teaching our lessons, we put into consideration the eight intelligences to be absolutely sure that each child learns the best way they can and that no child is left out. This makes learning all the more fun.

To achieve these, we have all the ICT gadgets required for this 21st century teaching and learning era: The IP Boards, the laptops, projectors, software packages for learning. The children have their laptops which have been designed and equipped specially for learning purpose and their academic work.

The teachers in turn have been trained to be ICT compliant and are vast in using the gadgets, software and many others. Teachers are sent on regular training to acquire the latest updates about ICT, teaching methods and techniques, class management and many others.

For success in life, character is as important as ability. The character counts programme plays a major role in sharpening the character and integrity of our children. We work to instill the right character and attitude to life through this programme. Here are the six pillars of character namely Caring, Trustworthiness, Responsibility, Fairness, Respect and Citizenship.

Hopespring Foundation School was established in April, 2005 having ‘Creche (dove) and ‘Pre-school” (Canary & Ladybird) with just 6 pupils. We did not open to all classes at inception but grew with our pioneer pupils till we got to Primary five in 2012/2013 session. The school produced its 1st set of graduates to secondary school in July, 2013. We have over 400 pupils presently enrolled; with 84 staff strength.


ADDRESS:      2, Ngara Igo Street Off NTA Road, Mgbuoba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. PHONE: +234 814 0062 788, +234 803 761 0200 EMAIL: SITE: