Welcome Note

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Welcome to the Hopespring family!

Thank you for making Hopespring Foundation School your school of choice. Needless to say, you will not have any reason to regret this decision.

Now that you are part of this warm and loving family, we’d like to acquaint you with what Hopespring Foundation School is all about.

This is a school that puts your child first. Here, we believe that every child is special and unique. Every child is capable of growing into a lively and confident individual when he is nudged in the right direction, giving him the freedom to explore and discover.

At Hopespring, our curriculum is designed in such a way that every child is given the opportunity to learn, using any of the eight intelligences. We eagerly accommodate children who are musical (learn through music); bodily kinesthetic (love outdoor sports); spatial (artistic); naturalists (love nature); linguistic (love to read); logical/mathematical (love calculations); interpersonal (outspoken); intrapersonal (withdrawn and shy). This is why every class in this school is equipped with an I.P board, which offers children a live experience of what they are being taught in class. It also augments what they learn in class. This method is most beneficial to the spatial and linguistic learner. Our music classes are of immense benefit to the child who is musical and loves to play. Children, who excel in this, are made to learn through this way. We have two chess instructors who challenge the analytical and logical child to apply his sense of reasoning in achieving positive results. We have a small school garden, which would appeal to the child who is in love with nature. Karate offers the shy or kinesthetic child, an outlet through which he can express himself as well as gain a measure of confidence. Of course, the child who is outspoken is not left out, as each child has a right to speak and be heard in this school. The school library is well equipped for the child who loves to read and who likes to explore the world through books.

We do not believe that learning should be confined to the classroom. No. As a matter of fact, we integrate learning into every aspect of your child’s stay in school. We approach our outdoor and extracurricular classes with the same enthusiasm we employ during classroom learning. Our team of capable teachers and minders go through constant training to bring them up to speed with the latest trends in education. We are forever looking for new and better ways to reach out to your child and guide him to explore and discover the world around him.

We are a school devoid of any religious undertone. We believe that a child’s religious upbringing is the sole responsibility of his parents. As such, we do not have Religious Knowledge as a subject of study in the school. Besides, we embrace people with different religious leanings and we do not accept that any religion is superior. However, in place of this, we have a moral instruction programme which we call Character Counts. It has been successful in molding the character of both the pupils and staff of this school and everyone belongs to one character counts club or the other. Your child will soon be registered into any of the six clubs we have under the character counts programme. The clubs are – Caring, Fairness, Trustworthiness, Responsibility, Respect and Citizenship. These clubs take turns to campaign for good character among the school’s public, by having an active monthly exercise during which they portray their unique character traits. We have been blessed with wonderful parents who always put their weight behind us any time we invite them to our character counts functions. We hope you will let the enthusiasm of our school activities draw you into being a part of this family.

Our Parents Teachers Association is a very active one, with a vibrant PTA Chairman who carries both parents and staff along in everything the PTA does. Every December, the PTA organizes an end of year party where parents and staff meet on an equal platform, to socialize and generally relax.

Our PTA meetings are always anxiously anticipated as they are usually quite interesting and much attended. In due course, you will be notified about the next meeting of the PTA.

Our admin department is a warm and friendly one, which welcomes all visitors with open arms and is always eager to attend to its visitors.

The Proprietress of the school has an open door policy and will always give preference to the children who visit her office before she attends to adults. In fact, her office is always flooded with children who would want to whisper little secrets to, or confide in, her.

Our security personnel have been trained on customer service and are well aware of the seriousness of their jobs. As such, we have a competent group of capable security men who have keyed into the school’s policy of putting your child first in everything. Needless to say that your child’s security is assured once he is within the walls of this school.

Every month, we send home newsletters to bring you up to date on the activities which have taken place for that month. On these newsletters, we have created a column for birthdays, wedding anniversaries and childbirths. Please drop these information with the school secretary or your child’s class teacher. Also, your email addresses, house address and phone numbers are required, to keep a proper channel of communication.

We are constantly in touch with our parents and always send home information on any newsworthy occurrence in the school. You will be receiving lots of emails and written notes regularly. Of course, these information are given to you on a need-to-know basis.

In all, you will find out as time goes on, that our aim here is to send forth into the world, children who know the value of good character, children who are quite capable to undertake the task of changing the world and children who will eventually grow to be leaders in all areas. This is an invitation to join us in this worthy cause, by playing your part as parents and by supporting the school as it takes on this huge task of guiding your child to reach for the stars and beyond. Posterity will eventually tell if we achieved this laudable goal.

Welcome once again!

Mrs. Mary Musa,
The Proprietress, HFS

Hopespring Foundation School was established in April, 2005 having ‘Creche (dove) and ‘Pre-school” (Canary & Ladybird) with just 6 pupils. We did not open to all classes at inception but grew with our pioneer pupils till we got to Primary five in 2012/2013 session. The school produced its 1st set of graduates to secondary school in July, 2013. We have over 400 pupils presently enrolled; with 84 staff strength.


ADDRESS:      2, Ngara Igo Street Off NTA Road, Mgbuoba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. PHONE: +234 814 0062 788, +234 803 761 0200 EMAIL: hopespringfoundationschool@yahoo.com SITE: www.hopespring-fs.com.com